Sunday, July 24, 2011 wants Google to include and protect the vulnerable

Check it out!  And sign on.  Signing this petition is yet another way to show Google they are on the wrong side of the cultural consensus.

Civil servants, rape survivors, whistle-blowers, and transgendered individuals are immediate examples of people who want privacy to protect themselves from attacks and abuse from others who do not agree with what they are saying or doing or have experienced.
The closed gay teenager who would like to interact with the online gay community but needs anonymity so his family doesn't find out and reject him or even abuse him for it.
All of us, whether we are dealing with these or other highly politically charged events in our lives or not, deserve privacy. We deserve to be able to interact on-line and to share or nor share as much as we choose, as much as we are comfortable with. For some of us that means using a pseudonym to protect our identities from those who are intolerant of who we are or what we do.
I want that anonymity available for my friends that need it, and I want it available to me if I ever need it.
Let's all tell Google that we want that anonymity and that requiring real names to use Google services lacks understanding and that deleting accounts on services like Google+ just because they have a pseudonym is down-right intolerant.
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